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This short won the Los Angeles YSA/MSA Film Festival in 2015. We shot it at the home of the lead actress, our frequent collaborator Julie Hinton, over four or five evenings starting when darkness had fallen and ending when we grew too tired to keep going. The camera was a Sony FS700 with an Odyssey 7Q. The lights were mostly pulled from an old Lowel Omni kit.

Director Matthew C. S. Julander
Producer Julie Hinton, Matthew C. S. Julander
Writer Julie Hinton, Matthew C. S. Julander
Director of Photography Matthew C. S. Julander
Editor Matthew C. S. Julander
Woman Julie Hinton
Intruder Michael Lewis
Roommate Eric Houston
Other Crew
Makeup Charity Rawlings
Soundtrack Michael Turnblom
Dolly Grip Mike Hammari
Production Assistant Dawn Reynolds, Melissa Vermillion