
IMDb Page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4220490/
On the web http://skinsplex.com/shows/wave-s1e1/
Release Date

The first episode in a web series that we shot for director Ian Skorodin, Wave tells the story of a hard-drinking, gruff Native American sound man living and working in Hollywood. Shot on the Sony FS700 with Odyssey 7Q.

The Wave series is exclusive content over at Ian’s Skinsplex.com, a web site for movies, web series, and documentaries made by Native Americans.

Director Ian Skorodin
Producer Joe Montague, Michael Hayes, Ian Skorodin, Curtis Bridenstine, Patricia Gomes
Writer Ian Skorodin, Patricia Gomes
Director of Photography Matthew C. S. Julander
Editor Ian Skorodin
Roger 'BUNG' Bungalow Noah Watts
Robin Dana Hunt
Jerry Kristen Pickrell
Nick Amanda Greig
Jason Moskowitz Keith Saltojanes
Director Brian Fernandes
Vampire / Brave / Horror Actor Jacob Harper
Vampire / Squaw / Horror Actress / Actress Maia Ortiz
Actor Blake Hogue
Rebecca Wyman Nicole Starrett
Amy Francesca Santoro
Brandy Leandra Ryan
Angie Sammi Levine
Derrick Isaac Alisma
Niko Henry Truong
Clapboard Sara Caldart Olson
Teacher #1 Jonathan Goldman
Secretary Kelsey Bohlen
Therapist Matthew C. S. Julander
Student #1 Kiersten Steinhauer
Scholnick Michael Anthony DiNuzzo
Students Tiffany Reynosa, Mario Lopez, Patricia Gomes, Alisha Patel, Michael Horgan, Janlyn Holden, Hillery Gunner, Ally Hammerquist, Sungkha Hel, Justyn Richards, Arhley Brazoban, Jesse Felix, Ellis Alexia Mimi Meng, Reed Icarella
Bar Patrons Joe Montague, Giorgio D’Addezio, Jen Tousey, Michael Hayes
Makeup Sharon Gomez
Script Supervisor Amber Brouhard
Secretary Kelsey Bohlen
Party People Lady Armenta, Amy Heyman, Antonio Gilbreath, Josh VanBuskirk, Jerrod Heyman, Shisonia Livingston, Freddy John James, Victor Salinas, Kathryn Young, Jen Tousey, Joe Montague
Other Crew
Opening Credit Sequence Spencer Armajo
Production Coordinator Patricia Gomes, Joe Montague
Gaffer Josh VanBuskirk
Lighting Alan Shwartz
Grip David Morgan, Carlton Hudson
Location Sound Brett Pipkin, Janna R. Lopez Raven, Mark Richards
Boom Operator David Morgan
Makeup Jen Tousey, Shae Hardy, Jesse Yarborough
Production Assistant Neil Flowers
Music by Nickles & Bones, Well Hung Heart